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1.Buenos Tardes Amigos
4.Headed For High Country
5.Title Page
6.Mother Nature's Quite A Lady
7.Nothin' Like A Camp Fire And A Can Of Beans
8.In Dreams
9. I Walk
10.With You
11.What Other Way Is There?
12.It's Gonna Be A Really Big Show
13.What The Hell's The Point Of Talkin' To Yourself If You're Not Getting Answers
14.Lent 2000 (Time To Start Drinkin' Like a Mother Fuck)
15.How Fast Are You?
16.Ever Had a Strange Dream Then Woken Up and Not Remembered What It Was
17.Oh Well, Fuck It, Must Not Have Been Important Anyway
18.The Title's in the Nihon-go
19.Meet Tomoyuki-san
20.Now We're Ready
21.Aim For The Brains
22.Gun Control
23.Any Similarities Between Persons Living or Dead is Purely Coincidental
25.Native & American
26.Eagle Globe & Anchor
27.They're Just Trying To Get Inside Your Head Charlie Rodgers, Don't Let Em
28.The Town Of Muddy Drawers
29.The Green Terd Saloon
30.Inside The Green Terd Saloon
31.Dude Magry: Caught
32.And Then, All Of A Sudden, In Walk The Goddamn Clowns
33.Someone's Gonna Get Hurt
34.If You Die In Your Dreams, You'll Probably Survive, But If You Die In The POtheD, You Won't survive
35.And Where The Hell Was Dude Magry While All This Shit Was Going On?
36.In the Immortal Words of Steve Perry From Journey, "We All Need The Clowns, To Make Us Smile."
37.Same Team
38.Hey What's the Deal, Did Dude Magry Change His Shirt Or Something?
39.Because the Importance Of A Good Night's Sleep Should Never Be Underestimated
40.Bob Might Be a Green Bird, But Dude Magry Is a Strange Bird
41.Trouble Sees The Blue Cow and The Blue Cow Sees Trouble
42.Ever Been Introduced To Someone and then Met Them Again But Not Remembered Their Name And Instead Of Asking Them What Their Name Was, Just Called Them 'Hey' ?
43.Shoot Him Blue Cow
44.Pull Out Your Pistol And Shoot Him
45.Purchase Order / Accounts Payable
46.3D Thursday Feeds
47.Meeting On The Mountain, The Return To The Rock
48.Is It Possible To Kill Something Like A Rock, And Even If It Were... Why?
49.Someone's Fallin' Down
50.You Took Swimming Lessons, Right?
51.We Are The Ngumbo
52.Mornin' Comes And Sleepin's Done
53.Some Cars Race Really Fast, Some Cars Burn A Lot Of Oil, Some Cars Hold A Shit Load Of Clowns
54.The Get Away Wagon
55.Sometimes Guns Don't Need To Be Fired, They Just Need To Be There
56.He Ain't My Brother, And He's A Heavy Son Of A Bitch
57.And They're Off...
58.Pass The Douchi
59.I Guess It Is Bullet Proof
60.What If That Passage Is a Dead End?
61.What Would You Do?
62.The Future's Not Ours To See
63.Back Seat Driver, Puppet Master, What The Fuck's The Difference
64.Straight Away
65.Happy Flag Day
66.Fort Knuckles

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